If you take excellent care of your teeth—brushing and flossing properly twice a day, visiting the dentist for regular cleanings and exams, and avoiding foods that could harm your teeth—you might feel frustrated when your dentist tells you that you have a dental issue. While practicing oral hygiene is a vital component of keeping your mouth healthy, genetics sometimes come into play.

Just as your genes affect traits like your eye color and height, they can also affect your teeth! Here are a few situations when your genetics could negatively impact your oral health.

Weak Enamel

Some people have naturally weak tooth enamel, making them more susceptible to issues like cavities, tooth discoloration, or sensitivity. Enamel is the protective outermost layer of your teeth. When enamel is weak, your teeth are more vulnerable to damage and decay. If your parents have weak tooth enamel, there is a chance that you’ve inherited the same condition, so be extra vigilant about your oral hygiene and diet to keep your smile healthy.

Tooth Alignment

Genetics can also determine physical characteristics that can affect the alignment of your teeth. You can inherit things like crooked teeth, an underbite, and small jaw. Such issues can make it difficult to keep your teeth clean and cause excessive wear and tear, which may lead to more serious dental issues down the line.

Gum Disease

You might be more likely to develop gum disease if you’ve inherited a weaker immune system. When the body produces a less robust response to dangerous bacteria in the mouth, it can lead to gingivitis or more advanced periodontal disease. Additionally, some people can be genetically more susceptible to inflammation, which is a key factor in gum disease development.

Personalized Dental Care in Frisco, TX

Even if you suspect that genetics may be negatively affecting your teeth and gums, it’s still possible to maintain good oral health. Be sure to schedule routine checkups and cleanings at Serenity Dental Studio. At your appointments, Dr. Kengskool will discuss any issues you’ve noticed recently and provide personalized care based on your unique needs. Contact us today!