Restorative Dentistry
in Frisco, TX

Serenity Dental Studio is proud to provide high-quality restorative dentistry for our valued patients. We are committed to helping people restore their oral health so they can feel great about the health and functionality of their teeth and gums. To learn more about the services we offer or schedule an appointment with our team, please contact us!
woman on a run

What are my restorative treatment options?

Serenity Dental Studio offers a wide variety of restorative treatment options, including:

What’s the difference between restorative and cosmetic dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is performed with the intention of repairing teeth that have been damaged or replacing them altogether, while cosmetic dentistry is focused on enhancing the cosmetic appearance of the patient’s teeth. However, there is a lot of overlap between cosmetic and restorative dentistry. Our dental restorations like our crowns, bridges, and dentures, for example, are designed to protect, support, and replace teeth while also restoring their cosmetic appearance and blending in seamlessly with the rest of the patient’s smile.
older couple eating ice cream
man smiling

Which restorative option is right for me?

If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while or you’ve recently developed tooth pain or other symptoms, it may be difficult for you to determine what treatment you will need on your own. That’s why we recommend scheduling a visit with a qualified dentist in Frisco to determine what your unique smile will require. Our office practices conservative dentistry, which means we only recommend services that we believe will truly benefit the patient and try to avoid recommending more invasive treatments if they are not necessary for the patient’s oral health.

Ready To Make Your Appointment?

Ready To Make Your Appointment?

serenity dental studio

Our Hours:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 8AM-5PM
Wednesday: 8AM-5PM
Thursday: 8AM-5PM
Friday: 8AM-5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

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